If you are experiencing difficult financial times, you understand the stress, anxiety and frustration of carrying a significant debt burden. When you add the harassing phone calls and past-due notices from creditors and debt collectors, the strain can be impossible to bear.
At the Louisville law office of attorney Michael B. Marks, we have helped numerous individuals and families silence creditors and overcome debt by filing for bankruptcy. Whether filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 consumer protection, or exploring other options that fit your situation, our knowledgeable attorney, Michael, can help you wipe the slate clean.
Protect your rights. Call us at 502-451-3030 today to schedule a free consultation.
Silencing The Debt Collectors
However disruptive it may be, persistence on the part of debt collectors is completely legal. However, harassment is illegal — there are several laws in place to protect individuals from collectors who go too far. When creditors cross the line, you need immediate protection to stop the abuse. With our help, the past-due notices will cease and your phone will stop ringing with creditor calls.
Many of our clients have dealt with disruptive creditors and debt collectors. Below are some common issues that we can help you address when filing for bankruptcy and securing financial protection:
- Constant and repeated calls meant to annoy and harass
- After filing for bankruptcy, debt collectors may no longer try to collect or garnish your wages
- When you secure representation from an attorney, creditors must stop contacting you directly and should go through your lawyer
- Creditors that make threats should be reported
While there are numerous protections available to those suffering from creditor harassment, the most effective way to get relief is by contacting an attorney who understands Louisville bankruptcy law.
Take Action By Contacting Our Firm
Take the first step and contact our law office by calling 502-451-3030 or by sending an email. We also offer evening and weekend appointments for free, confidential initial consultations.