Falling into credit card debt is one of the most common reasons people require bankruptcy protection. While credit cards are useful and effective tools for building good credit, illness, job loss or a divorce can force people to rely too heavily on credit cards. As a result, substantial debts can build up due to high interest rates. Even if you are paying your monthly minimums, chances are that you are hardly making a dent in the balance.
When credit card debt gets out of hand, speaking with a bankruptcy attorney like Michael B. Marks may be the smartest decision you can make. With experience helping people move quickly through bankruptcy filings, Michael can provide a solution to your credit issues.
Schedule a free consultation at our Louisville office by calling 502-451-3030.
Getting A Grip On Credit Card Debt
There is plenty of advice available on the Internet about managing debt and building credit. However, meeting for a no-obligation consultation with Michael is the best way to get clear, straightforward answers that apply to your unique situation.
Some methods for clearing your financial slate and getting a fresh start include:
- Working with a skilled lawyer to file for bankruptcy protection and a debt discharge
- Structuring and implementing a plan to keep the process moving smoothly
- Avoiding new debts — new credit cards or incurring payday loan debt
- Managing your credit card use
- Providing the means for rebuilding your credit
Start Rebuilding Your Credit By Filing For Bankruptcy Protection
Many people falsely believe that filing for bankruptcy will permanently damage their credit. When you work with us, we will explain the details while correcting any misconceptions. In most cases, bankruptcy is often the most effective means for becoming debt-free.
If you are struggling with credit card debt, contact our law office to learn how we can help you get the creditors off your back and moving toward financial stability. For a free consumer protection consultation, call Michael at 502-451-3030. You can also send an email to arrange for an after-hours or weekend appointment at our Louisville office.